
David, Katie, Noah, Sarah, Joshua, & Hannah Eder

Album / 2006/ 04-April/ 2006-04-15

Noah eats some hotdogs at the park. Noah eats some hotdogs at the park. Noah eats some hotdogs at the park. Noah eats some hotdogs and chips at the park. Noah eats some hotdogs and chips at the park. Noah eats some hotdogs and chips at the park. Noah plays at the park. Noah plays at the park. Noah plays at the park. Noah and David at the park. David and Noah on the slides. David and Noah on the slides. Noah and David at the playground. David and Noah are way up high. Noah is swinging. Noah is swinging. Noah is swinging. Noah is swinging. Noah is swinging. Noah is swinging. Noah goes hiking by some rocks. Looks like we found a golf ball. Noah likes these rocks. Noah climbs on the rocks. Noah looks around at the other rocks and sticks. Noah takes off into the tall grass on a little hill. Noah climbs the hill. And he's off again. We found some pretty yellow flowers. What are those Noah? Katie has questionable fashion sense. (see the scarf) Noah is looking for some really good rocks.

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